Years ago, I decided to learn HTML. Why, you ask? I don't remember really, other than the nagging idea that simple typed code produced all these websites I visited; some wonderfully designed and others, well, not so much. It wasn't until 1998 when I first tasted the Internet - and fell in love. There was SO much potential! A friend of mine taught me the basics of HTML and from there, with a bit of help from tutorial sites, it was trial and error until I had put together a Web page that was to my liking. It was named Beautiful Decay.
It was merely a personal web space, stating facts and opinions about myself, life, and everything in-between. I never thought about learning more than what I could teach myself - that is, until I learned Griffin Technical College, now Southern Crescent Technical College, offered Web Design. It wasn't until years later that I finally took the step to make Web Design and eventually Graphic Design an actual career path. I knew I always wanted to put my artistic skills to work, but never in my life did I imagine working in such a field.
I enjoy browsing a variety of websites, primarily goth, punk, alternative subculture websites, as well as, body modification and any other subject that intrigues me. I had a tendency to ask myself, "Are the Webmasters and Webmistresses of these websites even concerned about visual aesthetics or do they merely want their information online?" Then, I spoke with several Web and Graphic designers and noticed a trend. Unless you have a friend that's willing to budge out of his or her comfort zone and design something out of the norm, you - yourself know how to script and design, it's few and far between to find a Web and/or Graphic designer willing concoct a macabre piece of work whether it's for print or online if it's not in their repertoire. Granted, times have changed but not much and it's such a tragic tale.
So I created ChimericFX.
I want to offer aid to those in need of a redesign, have been turned down because their ideas aren't the lastest trend or the subject matter is either unconventional or even taboo.
I am not accepting any new projects at the moment but my hopes are to accept a few projects in the near future. Either way, contact me and we'll talk.
My name is Bridget Yates Manry and I was until last year (when my grants and scholarship expired) attending Southern Crescent Technical College, earning my Associates in Applied Science, majoring in both Computer Information Systems with a focus on Web Site Design and Design and Media Production Technology. My goal is to return to school once I'm more financially stable, but in the meantime I do what I can to remain knowledgeable in the field and keep my skills honed.
Throughout my life I've embraced art, appreciating the culture it brings to individuals and societies alike and over the years I have honed my own skills as an artist, concentrating on digital art which is what led me to attend Southern Crescent Technical College in the first place.
I was born in Southern California and currently live in Georgia with my husband and fur babies (3 cats, 1 dog). I studied the German language, Art, Ceramics, and Airbrushing while attending Ontario High School - and though it was short-lived, I also took a sewing class.
I enjoy a great many pastimes and have many interests. Most, like sewing; baking, cooking, and making candies; creating aroma therapeutic cosmetics; digital photo restoration and manipulation; digital art; jewelry-crafting, web and graphic design; sketching and illustration; writing prose and short stories, revolve around art.
A few pastimes I enjoy are camping, hiking, biking, fishing, traveling, and simply enjoying life. Never thought a goth would admit that, did you? Well, I do. Now that you know a little about me, care to know more? Remember to bookmark this site! I'll have Faery 101 up soon and then you can learn something about me that you didn't know before. I can't promise it won't be anything you want or care to know.